Christmas cookies

This project was a school assignment for the Norwegian School of Creative Studies (NKF). I decidedĀ to create a Christmas recipe leaflet aimed at children In order to complete this assignment within the time limit, I decided to use a creative approach to the illustrations. Instead of drawing the cookies themselves, I took pictures of […]
TED txt

One of the largest projects at the Norwegian School of Creative Studies is a magazine project. This project requires students to create a 32-page magazine on a theme of their choosing. After some thought, I decided to name my magazine TEDtxt, inspired by the TED conference and its mission to share “Ideas Worth Spreading.” TED […]
The Green Stag

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SjoQ Chocolate Milk

This is a collaborative school project I did with Madeleine Melsom and Daniel Ingebrigtsen. We were to re-design the package of Q-Sjokolademelk, a chocolate milk from one of the largest dairy producers in Norway, Q-Meieriene.